Javascript Algorithms

Akiko Green
3 min readJul 29, 2020

Just when you though JavaScript couldn’t get any more weird, you discover the world of algorithms!

a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer. — Dictionary

In programming terms, an algorithm are often functions, that can be referenced by a larger program. These functions can have simple operations like, addition, subtraction and multiplication, along with complicated operations like find the greatest integer and return that integer in a new array times itself! Sounds crazy right!? Well Sometimes Algorithms can get a little overwhelming the more complicated they are!

A few tips that I have learned from practicing a few simple algorithms are:

  • Read the material carefully, throughly and repeatedly! Nothing is worst than skimming through a problem and thinking you “got it”, only to realize you misinterpreted what it wants you to do!
  • Pseudocode the problem before you code it out! I have made many mistakes not doing this because I read the problem and though “this seems straight forward enough for me to code out ”, only to be proven wrong! Always write out your thought process before you put your words into code!
  • Google is your best friend! Yes that’s right! Handy Dandy google is always there to help you! Not…



Akiko Green

Software Engineer, Novice Blogger, Indoor Climbing Cutie 🥰