The Ever So Stylish “Styled-Components” — Part 1: The Basics

Akiko Green
6 min readSep 14, 2021
sunglasses giph — PrimoGiph

Like me, you too are new to the world of styled-components. Well, my fellow curious Front end developer look no further!! This blog series will be all about styled-components from the basics of what are styled-components, how to get started & styling your components, leading up to how you can properly pass props in styled-components!

What are styled-components?

In all honesty, I thought CSS inline styling, style-sheets and SASS were the only forms of styling a developer could use. That assumption was gracefully proven wrong once I learned about styled-components.

A styled-component is a library for React & React Native that allows you to work with every JavaScript front end library. This is called “CSS in JavaScript”

Some of the great things about styled components that I favorite a lot are:

  • Introduced in ES6 (modern JavaScript). The library utilizes template literals to style your components → the infamous back-ticks that we all, if not most, are familiar with ex: ${}`
  • Removes the hassle of mapping between components and style-sheets.
  • Diminishes class name bugs, for styles, there is no worry on duplication, misspelling or overlapping selector names caused by CSS only…



Akiko Green

Software Engineer, Novice Blogger, Indoor Climbing Cutie 🥰